Welcome to Celebrating Berth!

A place to share love and support for Berth's journey.

Berth's Story

The Transformation of Berth: A Tale of Empathy and Connection

In the heart of Toronto, Canada, Berth led a life deeply rooted in conservative values. Known for his right-leaning views, he held a stance of skepticism towards the LGBT+ community, a viewpoint shaped by his upbringing in a traditional family setting.

Berth's escape from the mundane aspects of life was his unwavering love for Halo 2 Project Cartographer, an online platform rejuvenating the classic multiplayer mode of Halo 2. It was in this digital world of strategy and camaraderie where Berth felt most alive.

One fateful evening, Berth found himself in a team with a player named Stubbert. Behind the screen, Stubbert was actually Drew, a player whose skill and strategic prowess in the game immediately caught Berth's attention. As they battled side by side in the virtual world, they struck up conversations that ranged from gaming tactics to casual banter, gradually laying the foundation of a new friendship.

As their online interactions became a regular occurrence, Berth and Drew discovered that they lived surprisingly close to each other. Drew's friendly and open manner made it easy for Berth to connect with him, and soon, their discussions ventured beyond the realm of Halo 2.

During one of their gaming nights, Drew shared a personal truth with Berth – he was gay and actively involved in the LGBT+ community. This revelation presented a stark challenge to Berth's long-held beliefs. Drew, however, was not just another faceless member of a community Berth had misunderstood; he was a friend, a confidant, and an ally in the virtual battles they fought together.

Intrigued and compelled by the human element of their friendship, Berth listened as Drew shared his experiences – the struggles, the acceptance, and the triumphs. This exchange of stories and perspectives became a catalyst for Berth's transformation.

Their bond deepened, and Drew invited Berth to a local LGBT+ charity event. Though initially hesitant, Berth's curiosity won over. The event was a revelation to him, exposing him to a myriad of stories and experiences within the LGBT+ community. He witnessed love, resilience, and a sense of belonging that was both humbling and enlightening.

Berth's journey towards understanding and acceptance was gradual. It was a path marked by learning, re-evaluating his beliefs, and embracing empathy. His friendship with Drew played a pivotal role in this transformation, showing him that love and identity are deeply personal and deserve respect.

Over the years, Berth emerged as an advocate for LGBT+ rights, inspired by the community he once misunderstood and the friend who showed him the power of open-mindedness. Drew and Berth remained inseparable, their friendship a testament to the unexpected turns life can take.

Their story is a reminder that empathy can bridge the most significant divides, transforming doubt into understanding, and forming unbreakable bonds in both the virtual and real worlds.

Messages of Support

ilikemyname: "I knew you always had a special place in your heart for Stub, bro. Congrats on being honest with yourself and embracing your true feelings. Proud of you!"

zekkers: "Shut up you stupid N!!!!!"

vertigo: "Maybe you'll finally stop believing in god too retard"

supersniper: "Hey Berth, enough with the Project Cartographer messages, man! It's time to step out and enjoy your life with Stubbert. Go make some great memories, please!!!!"

Wiggles: "Woof! I sure do miss those days when Berth would accidentally drop some yummy cummies on the floor. Ever since he moved in with Stubbert, it's been all clean floors and no treats for me. But seeing how happy he is now, I guess I can trade those treats for his big, happy smiles any day! Woof!"

Risk: "I've been chanting 'BLS' (Berth Loves Stubbert) since these two first hit it off. Called it from the start! It's awesome to see how things have unfolded. You guys are great together, and it just goes to show, sometimes friends see the things we don't. Congrats to both of you for finding something special!"

Upcoming Events

International BLS Month

International BLS (Be Loud and Strong) Month, observed annually from June 1st to the end of June, is a dynamic celebration dedicated to promoting understanding, empowerment, and education within the LGBTQ+ community. This vibrant month-long event encourages individuals worldwide to "LEARN HOW" to embrace diversity, foster inclusivity, and advocate for equality.

LGBTQ+ Resources

MCC: A Gay Church, LGBTW Church, Human Rights Church

We are Metropolitan Community Churches (MCC) and We're Seeking You! Visit with us to hear our voices, listen to our stories, & explore our churches around the globe.

Toronto Gay Village | Find Bars, Clubs & Restaurants

Discover a diverse community in the Toronto Gay Village with restaurants and shops. Enjoy events in the LGBTQ+ district like the annual Pride festival.